Pets with diabetes
can live happy,
healthy lives.

Although diabetes is more common in older pets, this condition can be diagnosed at any age. We’ve compiled the below FAQ to help you learn more about pet diabetes and its signs. Talk to your veterinarian if you suspect your pet may be at risk. 

What is Pet Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a common condition, affecting 1 in 300 adult dogs and 1 in 230 cats.2,3

This condition affects the concentration of glucose or sugar in your pet’s blood. Diabetes occurs when your pet’s body makes too little insulin; it stops producing it completely or doesn’t utilize insulin properly which prevents the conversion of food to energy.

What are the signs of Pet Diabetes?

You know your pet best. Keep an eye on your dog or cat for these signs of diabetes.

Urinates frequently or in large amounts

Drinks a lot of water

Always hungry

Has lost weight

Sleeps more or is less active

Cloudy eyes (in dogs)

Dull or dry coat (in cats)

Is diabetes in my pet the same as diabetes in people?

Diabetes in dogs and cats can resemble diabetes in humans. However, your veterinarian will be using medications, equipment, and monitoring methods that are designed specifically with diabetic pets in mind.

Can diabetes lead to other health problems in my pet?

Yes. Dogs and cats with diabetes can develop other health problems. Controlling high blood glucose levels may lead to a healthier life for your pet. This is why a visit to your veterinarian is important for an early diabetes diagnosis.

How do I take care of my pet with diabetes?

Your veterinarian can help you develop a plan and introduce you to tools to help you manage diabetes in your pet so they can live happy, healthy lives

1. International Diabetes Foundation. Logo. Retrieved August 11, 2021 from

2. Catchpole, B., Ristic, J. M., Fleeman, L. M., & Davison, L. J. (2005). Canine diabetes mellitus: can old dogs teach us new tricks?. Diabetologia, 48(10), 1948-1956.

3. McCann, T. M., Simpson, K. E., Shaw, D. J., Butt, J. A., & Gunn-Moore, D. A. (2007). Feline diabetes mellitus in the UK: the prevalence within an insured cat population and a questionnaire-based putative risk factor analysis. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 9(4), 289-299.